Building body confidence: embrace your summer journey

Building body confidence: embrace your summer journey

With summer on its way, many of us aspire to feel good in our skin as we enjoy the warmer weather, outdoor activities and, with some luck, some lazy days by a pool or beach. But, sadly the summer can also come with a side dose of increased body shame and a pressure to diet to get your "summer body".

It’s a widely held belief that losing weight can somehow improve confidence. And, as we pull the summer clothes out of the wardrobe, as tempting as it may be to try to cope with any body changes by dieting, overwhelming research shows us that diets don’t work in the long-term. In fact, it is more than likely that dieting will harm our relationships with food, as well as fuel body obsession and potentially worsen body image in the long-term.

So, as we approach summer this year, let’s shift our focus from attaining a specific "summer body" to cherishing our bodies at the shape and size they are now, without the pressure to change their appearance. And let’s practice cultivating body confidence in nourishing ways that genuinely nurture overall health and wellbeing.


  1. Embrace your body and celebrate your uniqueness: Remember, you already have a body - a remarkable vessel that carries you through life's adventures. Embrace your uniqueness and let go of comparisons. Challenge societal beliefs about what bodies should look like and recognise that there is no such thing as a "perfect" body.

  2. Nourish your body and honour its needs: Nourishing your body with enough and satisfying food is crucial for overall wellbeing. Notice any urges to diet or restrict food and instead focus on providing your body with nourishment. Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues, and make choices that support your energy and enjoyment of summer. Remember, you need fuel to fully embrace and experience all the joy summer has to offer.

  3. Unhook from negative self-talk and cultivate self-compassion: Getting attached to our own negative self-talk does not lead to confidence, happiness, or improved health. Rather than getting entangled in negative self-talk, treat your thoughts as passing events in your mind, rather than absolute truths. Observe them from a distance and recognise that they do not define you or dictate your worth. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding that everyone has their struggles and insecurities. Offer yourself words of compassionate encouragement and support, just as you would to a dear friend.

  4. Wear comfortable clothes and embrace your authentic style: Clothing should be a source of comfort and self-expression, not a cause of discomfort or self-consciousness. Choose clothes that fit you well as you are today and make you feel comfortable and confident. Remember, clothes are made to fit your body, not the other way around. Embrace your authentic style and wear what makes you feel good about yourself.

  5. Challenge beliefs about body image and redefine beauty: Society's narrow standards of beauty can impact our self-perception. Challenge these beliefs and recognise that all bodies are good bodies. Shift your focus from external appearances to celebrating the diversity and beauty that exists in every shape and size. Embrace the idea that beauty comes in many forms and is not confined to societal norms.

  6. Say yes to activities and embrace summer adventures: Don't let body-related concerns hold you back from enjoying summer activities. Say yes to beach trips, pool parties, or vacations, without waiting for a perceived "ideal" body. Participate in activities that bring you joy, join in the photos, make cherished memories, and redirect your thoughts away from your body. Engaging in fun experiences can boost your happiness and sense of wellbeing.

  7. Start the journey now and improve your relationship with food and your body: Building confidence in your body can take time. Start working on improving your relationship with food and your body now. Seek support if needed, whether through coaching, therapy, body-positive communities, or self-help resources. By starting this journey of self-acceptance and self-care, you'll notice your confidence increasing as you approach summer.

I hope that connecting with these strategies may help you shift your focus away from unrealistic summer body ideals to cultivating body confidence in ways that are more nourishing and attuned to you.

I help my clients at Gut Reaction build confidence in their bodies by helping them let go of their struggles with chronic dieting, emotional eating and other anxieties around food, and allowing food and eating habits to better support their bodies and minds.

Developing body confidence is an ongoing journey, but by starting now, you're on the path to a more fulfilling summer and beyond.

Next steps

Are you feeling out of control around food? Do you have challenges with your energy, gut health or digestion? Are you looking for a fresh approach to nutrition that values your physical and emotional wellbeing?

My personalised support brings together Nutritional Therapy with Intuitive Eating, empowering you to overcome your barriers to living a healthier life in harmony with food and your body.

If you would you benefit from this type of support, then please check out my private programmes here, or contact me for an exploratory chat to find out more.

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