Are you feeling in high SPIRITs?

Are you feeling in high SPIRITs?

Last week we dived high into the last of the Food & Spirit™ seven system’s of health, the SPIRIT. 

The SPIRIT is in essence the ‘non physical’ part of our being. This system represents spirituality, connectedness, unity, the whole of existence, our soul and life force - that subtle energy which courses through us and ‘animates’ us and gives us a feeling of vitality. Some ancient spiritual texts call this chi, qi or prana and that which connects us to a greater, divine presence. 

The SPIRIT essentially opens up all those big and profound questions we may have about ‘why’ and our connection to each other, earth, the universe and beyond! Within our lives, we may feel our SPIRIT through our mission, purpose and the sense of meaning that we give to our daily existence. 

In my SPIRIT studies, we considered fasting, white-coloured foods, purification and clarification practices, light, diurnal rhythm and the finer aspects of our physiology such as the nervous system and electromagnetic field. Fascinating!

But what has resonated with me most, is the concept of eating as an opportunity to acknowledge my interconnection with all of forms of life. Because we have a tendency to think of ourselves individually as separate entities, this may all sound pretty abstract. But consider that through each morsel of food we consume, we become linked to a huge chain of energy - incorporating a vast web of people and all the natural elements required to bring that food into our hands...

Does that idea resonate with you too? Can you make a little space to reflect on and be appreciative for all that goes into the SPIRIT of your everyday meals?

Zzzzz.... are you getting yours?

Zzzzz.... are you getting yours?

INSIGHT... are you listening to your intuition?

INSIGHT... are you listening to your intuition?