At your ROOT... are you feeling flighty or grounded?

At your ROOT... are you feeling flighty or grounded?

Do you feel safe and grounded in your body? Have you considered what activities and foods help make you feel more grounded or stable?

Last week my Food & Spiritstudies took me into the ROOT system of health - which is essentially the most fundamental, physical part of our being. It represents themes of safety, survival, and tribe.

The ROOT encompasses physiological organs that define us, give us structure and give us the ability to survive, such as the immune system, adrenal glands, legs, feet, skin, and DNA, to name a few. And it encompasses all the foods which help ground us and support these systems.

Most people are not rooted in their ROOT, creating a disconnection in the physical world, and many bodily symptoms.

The colour red represents this system and red apples are one just one of many foods that helps support a balanced ROOT.

Are you going with the FLOW in life?

Are you going with the FLOW in life?

Seven weeks, seven paths to nourish your body and mind

Seven weeks, seven paths to nourish your body and mind